Shipping Info
Plymasters Limited Freight Conditions as of March 2023.
Rural Deliveries.
If your delivery address is considered ‘Rural’ by the Freight Provider, you agree to pay an additional $52.00 + gst for this delivery which will be charged to you by Plymasters. This may be extra and above the website quoted charge if this information was not available to you at time of placing the order. An alternative option is to have the order delivered to the nearest freight depot and you can collect from this location at no additional charge.
Hand Unloads.
If your delivery requires a hand unload that takes longer than 15 minutes to unload with the driver, you agree to pay an additional $35.00 + gst for every 15 minutes after the initial free 15 minutes that it takes to hand unload the delivery. This will be charged to you by Plymasters. An alternative option is to have the order delivered to the nearest freight depot and the customer collects from there at no additional charge.
Hi-ab Charges.
If you require a Hi-ab delivery, you agree to pay an additional $150-$300 + faf + gst per hour (price to be determined by freight carrier dependent on location). An alternative option is to have the order delivered to the nearest freight depot and the customer collects from there at no additional charge.
Ideal Preference
To avoid any additional charges, it is recommended to have the order delivered to a commercial address which has a forklift onsite or have the order delivered to the nearest freight depot. All additional charges mentioned above are on top of the standard freight and handling charges stated at the shopping cart.
SSR Delivery (Special Service Request)
If you require an urgent delivery, Plymasters can book an SSR with the freight provider. An SSR will ensure your delivery is prioritized over other freight and delivered within the timeframe promised. If you require an SSR you agree to pay an additional $65.00 + gst, this will be charged to you by Plymasters. If for any reason your delivery cannot be delivered within the timeframe promised, Plymasters will credit you the value of the SSR.
Additional Charges
Extra charges may apply for areas that have tight street access as this requires a smaller truck - this is at the freight carrier’s discretion. If extra assistance is needed for residential home delivery, we can arrange Mainfreight2home which is charged out at $180 + gst per hour – check out the following link for further details on this.
All additional charges will be invoiced separately by Plymasters after the order is placed.